Five Creative Values

We are friendly, inspiring, bold, authentic and simple.

To help shape creative excellence across our marketing and communications, we are guided by five values. These creative values inform both our design aesthetic and our tone of voice.

Our Creative Values


Our Tone of Voice



How does friendly sound? 

We want to provide a positive, welcoming and inclusive first impression – just like at a session of Alpha. We are flexible, understanding, and quick to help where we can. We are relatable and speak to people on their level. We’re personal, not corporate.




How does inspiring sound? 

The experience of Alpha is always fun and often life-changing. Whether it’s an invitation to run, try, or give to Alpha we present it as an exciting and uplifting opportunity. Our writing should encourage and inspire our readers to take action. 




How does bold sound?

We want people to see Alpha as a bold and exciting experience. We see life as an adventure and the exploration of faith as a key part of that journey. We understand people may be nervous to try or run Alpha, we encourage them to take a risk and see what happens.




How does authentic sound? 

We are open about Alpha and how it works. When we connect with people we allow our human characteristics to shine through, such as humour and vulnerability. We don’t sugar-coat the truth or upsell our offering. We’re always upfront and honest.




How does simple sound? 

We are down to earth and accessible. When we speak we are clear and get straight to the point. We don’t use Christian jargon or language that alienates or confuses our readers. We are not ambiguous, vague or rambling. We are not verbose.


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